Collie-chronicles, Dog Show. January 1991, England.
Trip of collie-owners from Germany on exhibitions to England.
Mastering from VHS by Sergei "Nevermind" Drujinin
Колли-хроники. Январь 1991, Англия.
Поездка владельцев колли из Германии на выставки в Англию.
Оцифровано с VHS.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
На видео ниже показан питомник - Lynway (Англия). Среди собак в вольере бегает триколорный кобель (хвост баранкой) - это Firestone Shereef at Lynway (Lynway Sandknocker + Firestone Sheer Delight), кстати инбридинг на Sanknocker'а 1-2. Далее на поводке долго показывают триколорную "девочку" - это сестра однопомётница Shereef'а. Далее показывают дарксэйблового кобеля с прерывающимся справа воротником. Его кличут - Бен. Это - Langili Eloquent Charm (Mossylea Shades af Glory at Lynway + Nickarlyn Nicolette). После него идёт более светло рыжий кобель, весёленький такой, про него говорят - Very happy dog... Это - Clorita Almost Amorous at Lynway (Lynway Sandknocker + Beechmere Disco Dancer at Clorita). И последний красивый dark-sable - это сам Lynway Sandknocker. Запись сделана во время поездки владельцев колли из Германии на выставки в Англию.Part 4.
Collie-chronicles. Germany, 1991.
Collie Show, Russia, Yekaterinburg, 05.12.1999.
Judje: Barry Makepeace (Great Britain)
Первая специализированная выставка колли-клуба 05.12.1999,
Россия, Екатеринбург. Эксперт: Barry Makepeace (Great Britain)
Dog Show In Moscow 1957
Various shots of people in Sokolniki Park Moscow. Various shots of dogs and puppies, competition proceeding, various shots of all types of dogs parading, prizes being given to all winners, owners. Old record suggests material dates from around 20/06/1957. source:
New York, United States of America (USA). Title reads 'Dogdom's Big Show - English Spaniel Takes Top Laurels'. GV. Arena at Madison Square Gardens where the Westminster Kennel Club dog show is taking place. MCU. English Springer Spaniel receives final trim up. CU. The Chinese Crested hairless breed. Various shots of the dogs receiving last minute attention before the show - Bull Terriers, Afghan Hound, Cocker Spaniel. Various shots of dogs being led around and judged. Crowd applauding. CU. The winner, the same English Springer Spaniel seen earlier. source: www.britishpathe.comCRUFT'S DOG SHOW 1965
VS. Afghan Hounds being brushed and finished. VS. Some of the dogs on show. Crowd shots. MS CU Celian Terrier being combed. MS CU wire haired Fox Terrier being brushed. CU Miniature Poodles. CU Old ladies in the audience. CU Two Bassets. CU Denis Porter of Horsham (sporting the Sherlock Holmes look) with this Blood Hound. CU two Pugs. GV High shot interior exhibition hall. CU Miniature Pinscher being brushed. Ms A Chihuahua being fed. Shots in overseas visitors room. Buyers from abroad during export transactions. Overseas visitors book being signed, USSR, Kenya etc. Night GV of final judging. CU of a Chow asleep. Camera pan final four for Supreme Champion: Beagle, Alsatian, Maltese Terrier and Golden Retriever. Mrs Holand Buckley presenting cup to Miss S Gedden from Catford with her Alsatian champion. GV Press Conference. source: